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Willow Smith, 9, has her own stylist customizing hundreds of pieces for her


Previously, I’ve given 9-year-old Willow Smith a pass. As the daughter of Jada Pinkett and Will Smith, I thought that Willow was developing her own brand of mini-Gaga-esque hardcore fashion statements, and I disliked how everyone was in a rush to bash her for A) being a kid and experimenting with clothes and B) Not looking like every other little pretty princess girl out there. Willow rocked her style and I thought she was badass, all on her own. Not so much… Us Weekly has an interview with Willow’s stylist. Yes. A 9-year-old has a stylist. Who does she think she is, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon? Not only have The Smiths hired a stylist for Willow (she shares the guy with her big brother Jaden), but the stylist has “customized hundreds of pieces” for her. Um… seriously?

Willow Smith, 9, isn’t just Hollywood royalty and a budding actress…she’s a fashion icon in the making! Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s daughter has been making her mark recently on red carpets and fashion shoots with out-there hairstyles and wardrobe choices that recall Rihanna and other rule-breaking celebs.

“She is young, edgy, and individual,” the little girl’s stylist, Rob Zangardi, tells

Zangardi says he and Mariel Haenn have customized “hundreds of pieces” for Willow and older brother Jaden. And despite her tender age, Willow is “very” involved in picking out her ensembles, Zangardi says.

“We start off the design process sitting down with her and talking about what we wanted to make,” he explains, using magazines and other “creative references” for inspiration.

At the L.A. premiere of Jaden’s The Karate Kid, Willow wore a leopard pony hair jacket and a leopard pants (“during the fitting it just kind of came together,” the stylist says) — and toted a pricey Givenchy bag.

But Willow’s not into designer labels, Zangardi explains. “It wasn’t about the fact that it was a Givenchy bag; it was about the fact that it has gold spikes and star studs on it.”

Willow’s young age, he says, “allows her to have a little bit more fun and take more risks than an adult could. We just made her a 3-finger ring in diamond and gold.”

Any inspiration from her mother Jada, 38? “She’s got her mom’s rock and roll sensibilities,” he says. “The skulls and some of those pieces that Jada likes–like leather motorcycle jackets.”

[From Us Weekly]

She’s nine years old. Let her wear something from Gap Kids. She’ll outgrow it in less than a year anyway. Am I overreacting? I don’t think I am, honestly. I’m all for parents encouraging a kid’s interests, whether it’s football or dolls or math or fashion. BUT there are ways to encourage a nine-year-old’s interest in fashion without hiring a stylist to customize “hundreds of pieces”. Ugh. If she has a stylist at the age of nine, what will she have when she’s 16 years old? When she’s 21 years old? I can’t even.




Header: Willow at a photo shoot in Paris on July 25, 2010. Credit: Bauer-Griffin. Also: Willow on July 19, 21, 25, 2010. Credit: WENN.
