Kickin’ It, a popular martial arts-inspired comedy television series, aired on Disney XD from June 2011 to March 2015. The show centered around a group of friends who are members of the Bobby Wasabi Martial Arts Academy. One of the original main characters was Eddie, portrayed by actor Alex Christian Jones. Eddie was known for his kind-hearted nature, his love for food, and his dedication to his friends and martial arts. Read More...
Anne Rice was more than just a writer of vampires. In her 'Mayfair Witches' series, now a show on AMC, she introduces us to Lasher. Who or what is he?
Source: AMCJack Huston as Lasher
Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for the Mayfair Witches book series and therefore potential spoilers for AMC's Mayfair Witches TV series.
Over 25 years ago Anne Rice was trying to get a movie made about The Witching Hour, the book Season 1 of AMC's Mayfair Witches is based on. Read More...
Yogur es la forma correcta para referirnos a este producto lácteo. Se debe utilizar como un sustantivo masculino: el yogur. Y su plural es yogures. Ejemplos:
Todas las mañanas bebo un yogur con poca azúcar.El yogur era un alimento básico de los pueblos nómadas.El yogur es beneficioso para la flora intestinal.El yogur se ha consumido por miles de años, pero sus propiedades eran poco conocidas.Mi preferido es el yogur de fresa. Read More...